Important Updates

  • The priority filing date for the 2024-25 FAFSA and CADAA has been extended to May 2, 2024. Visit Apply for Financial Aid for details.
  • The Department of Education has announced they will send information from the 2024-25 FAFSA to schools in mid-March. This may result in a delay in financial aid packaging and offers for the 2024-25 academic year. While awaiting your financial aid offer, we encourage you to utilize the UC Davis Financial Aid Estimator to estimate your potential aid.

Webinar: Rhodes Scholarship Overview

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Are you interested in attending graduate school at the University of Oxford?  Do you like the idea of joining an elite scholarship community that fully-funds your degree and provides additional programming?  If so, come hear Prestigious Scholarship Advisor Scott Palmer share about the elite  Rhodes Scholarship and the process for applying to start your program in Fall 2025.

RSVP link:

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