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Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

Work-Study FAQs

This information is subject to change. Please check back often for updates. For more information, visit Work-Study.


  • How is eligibility for work-study determined?
  • Federal Work-Study is available for undergraduate and graduate students eligible to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Institutional Work-Study is available to undergraduates including those who file the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). Graduate students may be eligible to receive Work-Study for Graduate Student Researchers.
  • How many units must I maintain to keep my work-study award?
  • To be eligible for work-study, undergraduates should maintain 12 units per quarter. A reduction in your unit load or withdrawal from school may affect the amount of your work-study offer.
  • How long Is my work-study offer valid?
  • Work-study offers for undergraduate students can be used between July 1 and June 30. Community Service employees can earn work-study from July 1 through June 15. Unearned work-study is forfeited on June 30 and may not be transferred to the next fiscal year.
  • I am work-study eligible, but why is the eligibility certificate is no longer available?
  • The work-study eligibility certificate identifies students as work-study-eligible. Once downloaded it is available for 30 days for you to provide to work-study employers to advise them you are eligible for work-study employment. Once a student is awarded work-study, the certificate is no longer available as a student has transitioned from eligible to awarded.  If you did not download the work-study eligibility certificate but it is no longer available, it may be that work-study funds have been exhausted and are no longer available.
  • Can I use the same eligibility certificate for two on-campus jobs? 
  • Yes, you can simply let the employer know you are eligible and already awarded so they can submit a request for a second position.  Financial aid and scholarships will evaluate your eligibility and award you the remainder of your self-help award. 
  • I need a work-study eligibility certificate but I do not qualify. Can I submit an SAI appeal?
  • If your Student Aid Index (SAI) is greater than $25,000, you will not receive a work-study eligibility certificate. If a Student Aid Index (SAI) appeal results in an adjusted SAI of less than $25,000, and you meet other requirements, the work-study eligibility certificate will be displayed in MyAwards.

    Student Eligibility
    In addition to at least $1,000 in financial need, a student must:
    - have a FAFSA on file and be a U.S. citizen, a national, permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or the Northern Mariana Islands; or 
    - be living in the U.S. with the intention of becoming a citizen or permanent resident; or 
    - have a California Dream Act Application on file and meet Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) requirements 
    - be enrolled, or accepted for enrollment at UC Davis, and be in regular attendance in an undergraduate program 
    - maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in coursework while under the program 
    - not owe a refund on a federal or state educational grant 
    - not be in default on a state or federal educational loan 
    - have a Student Aid Index (SAI) of $25,000 or less

  • How do I increase my work-study award?
  • The student employee’s supervisor or hiring department administrator should send a compelling justification to requesting an increase in work-study funding. If available, the work-study manager will reduce self-help and increase the work-study award.


  • How do I search and apply for a work-study job?
  • Work-study jobs are available in various campus departments including the library, bookstore, Memorial Union, Campus Recreation and Unions, ASUCD, administrative offices, and laboratories. Off-campus agencies offer a variety of openings such as recreation leaders, counselors, research and technical assistants, and preschool aides.

    If you are an eligible work-study recipient and there are work-study funds available, you will be able to generate a work-study certificate from the MyAwards page. It is important to note that work-study funds are limited, and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, you should begin the application process early. 

  • What if I already have a job?
  • If you are currently employed on-campus and are work-study eligible, your employer should submit the Work-Study Employment Request Form via our website. If you secure a position with a nonprofit organization or government agency, have the organization or agency contact the work-study manager at 530-752-2294 to determine whether they are an eligible work-study employer.
  • Can I change work-study jobs?
  • When work-study funding is available, students can hold up to two work-study jobs on campus.  Students can only hold one off-campus community position for the award year. To change jobs, you must terminate your current work-study position. Have the employer email a memo stating your last day of employment and the balance of your work-study award. Then have your new employer request the Work-Study Employment Request Form. 
  • How Is my work schedule arranged?
  • Most employers try to coordinate your work schedule with your academic schedule. You may not be paid for more than 40 hours per week with work-study funds. If you work overtime on your work-study job, your employer must pay the entire amount of your earnings that exceeds 40 hours.
  • What should I do when I receive a job offer?
  • If you are offered an on-campus position, notify your employer that you are a work-study recipient and make arrangements to complete the necessary employment forms. The employer is to request the Work-Study Employment Request Form from our website.

    If you are offered an off-campus position, work-study staff will be notified by the contracted employer. The work-study manager will verify work-study eligibility and if eligible will generate the work-study employment eligibility packet and provide it to the employer. You may not begin work-study employment until you complete the necessary employment forms.

    If you have not been asked by your employer to sign the Work-Study Employment Request Form within one week of employment, follow up with your employer.

  • How much money can I earn?
  • The work-study offer listed in MyAwards represents the maximum amount you may earn through the work-study program over the course of the academic year.
  • How will I be paid?
  • For UC employment, time records, signed by you and your supervisor, are submitted bi-weekly. Time Records for employees on-campus are submitted to their department administrative office. Time Records for employees off-campus are submitted to your employer.

    University paychecks for students paid bi-weekly are available every other Wednesday. You may have your check forwarded by campus mail to your department or deposited to your bank account once you set up Direct Deposit.

    For community service employment, you will need to abide by the off-campus employers' time schedule.
  • Do I have to pay taxes on work-study earnings?
  • Yes. Work-study earnings are subject to state and federal withholding taxes, Medicare, and Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) savings. Students employed at the University must meet both of the following criteria to maintain their exemption from Medicare and DCP taxes:
       - They must be appointed 49% time or less (not actual hours worked)
       - They must carry the campus required minimum course load (12 units)

    Student employees who lose their exemption because they do not satisfy both the work and course load requirements will receive two payroll deductions. For additional information on the deductions, please visit the following HR website:
       - Retirement Codes - UC Davis Human Resources
       - FICA Codes - UC Davis Human Resources
  • Do I earn vacation or other extra benefits?
  • Under certain circumstances, you may be eligible for holiday pay, sick leave, and/or vacation. These benefits are paid by your employer, not work-study.
  • What are my responsibilities as a work-study employee?
  • Take your job seriously. The experience you gain in a work-study position can be invaluable.
     - Report to work promptly.
     - Notify your supervisor as soon as possible if you will be late or unable to work.
     - Do not conduct personal business on the job.
     - Report your hours accurately on your time record. 
     - Submit your time record by the due date.
     - Consider your employer's needs as well as your own when requesting time off.
     - Dress appropriately for your work location.

    If an employment problem develops or if you have difficulty earning the full amount of your work-study offer, discuss the situation with your supervisor. You might also consult the work-study manager about other employment options. If you decide not to use your work-study, contact Financial Aid and Scholarships to discuss replacing your work-study with other funding.

    Remember: You are required to report any increase in non-work-study earnings or other resources to Financial Aid and Scholarships.

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