Appeal for On-Time Status
Free Application for Federal Student Aid or California Dream Act Application
For full university grant consideration, applicants must submit the applicable application by the published priority filing deadline.
We understand there may be unforeseen circumstances that prevented a student from completing the FAFSA or CADAA in a timely manner. Students in this position have the option of submitting an On-Time Status Appeal explaining the circumstances that prevented them from submitting their application by the priority filing deadline. If there is any documentation available to submit in support of the appeal, we encourage students to include it with the appeal. The student’s full name and University ID must be included in all correspondence.
- Eligibility is limited to California residents and/or AB540 status, as determined by the Office of the University Registrar.
- For students with a Verification requirement listed in MyAwards, the requirement must be completed before submitting this appeal.
- Appeals for on-time status will be reviewed and considered based on the student's circumstances.
- This appeal will only be approved once during a student's time at UC Davis.
- An approved appeal may result in an adjustment of the student's current financial aid offer based on funding availability at the time of processing.
Incoming/Continuing UC Davis Students
For newly admitted students who have submitted a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) and continuing students.
Log in to StudentForms and submit a completed On-Time Status Appeal. Submit any supporting documentation on StudentForms, if applicable. Ensure that you select the correct aid year.
StudentForms allows you to submit documents electronically directly to UC Davis Financial Aid and Scholarships.
Please review the following before continuing to StudentForms:
1. You will need to register with your student information before requesting an On-Time Status Appeal. Once you are logged on, you may request the appeal by selecting the "Manage Requests" button.

2. When requesting the On-Time Status Appeal, you will need to enter an explanation for the request. This is not your appeal statement, so please keep your explanation brief.

3. Once the request is submitted, you will see the documents needed before completing the appeal submission process. If Financial Aid and Scholarships requests additional documentation; it will be labeled as "Third Party Documentation".

4. Once all appeal documents are uploaded, click the "Submit" button, then the "Finish" button.
Financial Aid and Scholarships will begin reviewing the On-Time Application Appeals on July 15, and the review process can take 6-8 weeks.