Entering Undergraduate Students
Welcome to those of you who have been accepted and plan to attend our campus!
The following information will help you navigate the steps you must take to be sure you have the funding you need to get started. Best wishes, and welcome to UC Davis!
Intro to MyAwards
MyAwards is a secure site where students view and manage their financial aid and scholarship funds. To learn more, we invite you to watch this informative video:
Upon Admission Notification
Log into MyAwards to review your aid package. Once you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) you can begin accepting your offered aid and completing requirements.
March (through September)
Financial Aid and Scholarships continues to prepare, post, and adjust financial aid offers based on any additional information or resources.
Undergraduate and Prestigious Scholarships begins awarding scholarships to recipients who are not required to show financial need. Most initial scholarships to new students are announced before May 1. The remaining recognition awards will continue to be announced through August.
Check the status of your financial aid at UC Davis online at MyAwards to be sure you have completed all requirements by the June 15 deadline for entering freshmen, and the July 16 deadline for entering transfer students. If you are accepting loans, you can begin satisfying your requirements after July 1. Be prepared to meet your expected student and self-help contribution amount listed in MyAwards through outside scholarships, employment, and savings throughout the summer.
Cal Grants for entering freshmen are initially posted as estimates and will be updated in August once the amounts are confirmed with the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Sign up here to track the status of your Cal Grant, Middle Class Scholarship, or Chafee Grant. View the status under your grant panels and cards.
Late August
Billing statements are available online at MyBill. Authorized aid will show for students who have accepted aid and completed their requirements. Any financial aid funds remaining after all university charges have been paid will be disbursed to the student on the first day of instruction. Students can sign up for Direct Deposit online to have their financial aid refunds deposited directly into their bank accounts. Students with a balance owed will need to make sure they arrange for payment by the September 15 deadline. If necessary, you can consider signing up for the Deferred Payment Plan through Student Accounting.
Welcome to UC Davis! Be sure to enroll in at least 12 units (waitlisted classes do not count) to ensure complete financial aid authorization and disbursement. Confirm that your account in MyBill is paid in full by September 15 to avoid being dropped from your classes and assessed a late fee penalty. For eligible students, the Orientation Grant will be offered to offset orientation fees. Check Important Dates regularly to ensure you meet any upcoming deadlines.
December - March/April
Beginning in December, students can apply for financial aid by completing the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA). For full financial aid consideration, students must submit their financial aid application by the priority filing deadline each year. Students who file after the priority filing deadline may jeopardize their eligibility for university or state grant funding. Be sure you have listed the UC Davis School Code 001313 on your FAFSA or CADAA.
For new applicants, to apply for the Cal Grant, in addition to completing the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (CADAA), you must also submit the GPA Verification Form to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) before the priority deadline.
Accepting an Outside Scholarship
For financial aid recipients, scholarships are credited against any remaining need or the student's Self-Help and loan expectations, thus reducing the amount the student may need to borrow or work. Because the amount of financial aid a student receives cannot exceed the need determined by the federal formula, all outside scholarships and awards must be reported to Financial Aid and Scholarships. Students who are awarded a scholarship or award not included on MyAwards must notify our office using the Change-in-Aid form. Students may be billed for any aid received in excess of their financial need.
Payment Processing for Outside Scholarships
Outside scholarship checks should be made payable to UC Regents and sent directly to the Cashier’s Office, not the Undergraduate and Prestigious Scholarships office. Payment should be accompanied by a memo stating the student recipient’s full name and UC Davis student ID number. The Cashier’s Office address is:
UC Davis Campus Cashiering
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Maintaining Eligibility
Students who receive financial aid are expected to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress to remain eligible for financial aid.