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Below are some of the scholarships available to students in the College of Engineering. As new scholarship opportunities become available, this list will be updated for your convenience. For more information on how to apply, please visit the Undergraduate Scholarships page.

Jaime Amorocho Memorial

Established in 1987 as a memorial to this UC Davis Professor of Engineering and Water Science for a deserving civil engineering student in the field of water resources.

Roy Bainer Engineering

Established in 1990 by family and friends, this fund honors the founding Dean of the UCD College of Engineering. A professor of Agricultural Engineering, Dr. Bainer was an internationally recognized leader in the mechanization of agriculture and an inventor of seed processing equipment. The Bainer Scholarship is offered to outstanding prospective engineering students to encourage them to enroll at UC Davis.

Walter D. Buehler Scholarship

Established by his wife, Carol, in 1986 in honor of his 60th birthday, this scholarship recognizes the founder of the Buehler, Buehler & Associates structural engineering firm. Mr. Buehler was the structural designer of Bainer Hall. The scholarship is restricted to upper-division Civil Engineering students interested in a career in structural engineering in the Sacramento area.

Richard C. and Joy Dorf Scholarship

The Dorf Scholarship was established in 2005. It is in recognition of a student's potential for future achievement. It is restricted to students in the College of Engineering with demonstrated outstanding and exceptional personal leadership.

Jane C. Elliott Memorial Scholarship

Jane Elliott worked with students for many years in the College of Engineering
Dean’s Office. She helped initiate several mentoring and support programs including the Center for Women in Engineering, MESA, and the Engineering Summer Residency Program. At the time of her death in 1993 from breast cancer, family and colleagues established this scholarship for students in the College.

John W. & Ernestine L. Heinrich Scholarship

Established in 1995 by a provision in Mrs. Heinrich’s Will, this scholarship is restricted to needy students in the College of Letters & Science or the College of Engineering.

Pamela J. Fair ’80 Undergraduate Scholarship for Leadership in Engineering

Pamela J. Fair ’80 and Glen J. Sullivan created this scholarship to further the excellence of the College of Engineering at UC Davis by supporting undergraduates in the college. Recipients must also demonstrate leadership and a commitment to community service. 

Fred Fuchslin Memorial Scholarship

Fred Fuchslin received his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering at UCD in 1983. His life was sadly cut short when he died of cancer in October 1984. His mother and family created a scholarship endowment in his memory to encourage other engineers who desire to use engineering for the betterment of mankind. Two scholarships are awarded annually-one in electrical engineering and one for any field of engineering.

Mark & Margaret Garibaldi STEM/Arts Award

This award supports one student in the College of Engineering and one student in the College of Letters and Science who plans to go into a career combining science and art. Recipients must be from California with a preference for students from the San Francisco Bay Area (defined as Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, Napa County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Solano, and Sonoma County).

Ben L. Hagglund Scholarship 

This scholarship was established in 1957 by the Pacific Southwest Dealers Association. Mr. Hagglund was the southwest sales manager for the farm machinery firm Caterpillar Company at the time of his death in 1956. The scholarship is restricted to financially needy students who are majoring in agricultural engineering and who are from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, or Utah. Mr. Hagglund was raised on a farm in Iowa and received a degree in animal husbandry from Iowa State College. Prior to commencing his employment with Caterpillar, he was a farm advisor in Santa Barbara County for five years and worked two years as a ranch superintendent.

Alan Jackman Scholarship

In recognition of Dr. Jackman's achievements, several chemical engineering alumni and his colleagues created the Alan Jackman Scholarship.  He is the winner of the College of Engineering Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award (2205), Outstanding Chemical Engineering Professor (1999), and College of Engineering Outstanding Teacher of the Year 1995). He was named the President's Chair in Undergraduate Education (1987-1990).   This scholarship is restricted to students in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Materials Science. 

Robert A. and Denzil M. Kepner Scholarship

This endowment fund was established to support undergraduate and/or graduate students with a preference for students in Biological Systems or Mechanical Engineering.

Eugene S. Martin Memorial Scholarship

Mary Brence Martin created this scholarship in 2015 in memory of her husband, Eugene S. Martin to support students in good standing in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who are incoming freshmen, have financial need, and who are California residents from San Joaquin County or Santa Clara County.

Rose C. and David B. McCallen Endowed Award

Dr. Rose C. McCallen and Dr. David B. McCallen established this scholarship in 2012 to support students in good standing in the College of Engineering who have completed at least one quarter of coursework, have financial need, and are California residents.

Montoya CALESS Scholarship Fund

Steve Montoya graduated from UC Davis with a degree in electrical engineering in 1977. He established the Montoya Endowed Fund for Minority Scholars in 1995 to encourage Hispanic students to pursue careers in engineering. Mr. Montoya was one of the founding members of the UCD Chicanos and Latinos Engineers and Scientists Society (CALESS). In 2006, Mr. Montoya changed the terms of the fund to be for financially needy upper-division students in the College of Engineering who are U.S. citizens and California residents and are members of CALESS.

Robert Murdoch Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Robert Murdoch Memorial Scholarship was established in 2000 to honor the memory of Robert Murchoch who died in July 1998. Mr. Murdoch graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. He was a Computer Engineer at Intel’s Folsom facility and pioneered the development of new technologies while helping the department grow from a 20-person operation in 1985 to an employer of 500 today. It is restricted to students in the College of Engineering majoring in Electrical & Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.

Howard R. Murphy Scholarship

Mr. Murphy graduated from the Department of Agricultural Engineering in 1925. In 1988, family and friends established this scholarship in his honor in recognition of his continued generous support of others and his unwavering commitment to UC Davis. The scholarship is restricted to students majoring in biological systems engineering.

Dr. Richard D. Noble and Dr. Susan A. Richardson Endowed Fund

To provide support to one undergraduate student each year who is enrolled in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science in the College of Engineering and majoring in Chemical Engineering. The recipient must display a commitment to community service and preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrated financial need.

Robert Roy Owen Scholarship

Robert Roy Owen graduated from UC Davis in agricultural engineering. He has had an extensive career in business management serving as General Manager of the Ford Motor Company Tractor Division and later as President of Eversman Manufacturing Company. Established in 1966, this scholarship is for students in the College of Engineering, with a preference for students studying Biological Systems Engineering.

John Eric Peckham Memorial Scholarship

John Eric Peckham was a 1998 UC Davis graduate in mechanical engineering. He was an active cyclist, both at UC Davis and after he graduated; in fact, he earned a spot on the San Francisco Bay Area’s Webcor/Alto Velo Bicycle Racing Club’s Elite Racing team. Mr. Peckham was on a ride when his life came to a tragic end at the age of 31; he had ridden ahead of his companions when an intoxicated driver lost control of his car and hit Peckham. His friends and family have memorialized him through an annual ride through Portola Valley and Woodside. He will also be remembered perpetually through this scholarship, established by his mother, Mary Ann Parker, in 2007. Recipients are to have demonstrated financial need, with a primary preference for engineering students and a secondary preference for students with other science-related majors.

Russell L. Perry Scholarship

Russell Perry was a Professor at the University of California for 58 years. Beginning at Davis, he also worked at UCLA and UC Riverside. He was a pioneer in research related to food processing especially heating, drying, refrigeration, and ventilation. At the time of his death, his wife and family established this scholarship for students in the College of Engineering at Davis as his professional career started here and was always considered his home base.

Otto G. Raabe Fund

Established by Bruce Raabe and Sara Wardell-Smith to honor Dr. Otto G. Raabe, Bruce Raabe’s father. It provides support to one or more undergraduates enrolled in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering and majoring in Civil or Environmental Engineering. The recipient must exhibit academic accomplishment, which is defined as a minimum GPA of 3.50, and preference will be given to students who are CA residents with U.S. citizenship.


The Ramey-Romstad Scholarship was established anonymously in 1991 by a UCD graduate to honor the inspiration provided by civil engineering professors Dr. Melvin Ramey and Dr. Karl Romstad. The scholarship is restricted to needy freshmen in the College of Engineering.

Risken Endowment Fund Award

Established in 2008, Philip and Jennifer Risken created this scholarship to encourage students to study alternative forms of energy, including but not limited to wind energy, photovoltaic technology, and biofuel development and use, strategies that can be expected to have positive consequences for the environment. It is restricted to students in the College of Engineering.

Robert Wiley Ross

Robert Wiley Ross (B.S. Civil Engineering, 1982) and his wife, Greta Breedlove Ross, were killed in a tragic accident a few months after their wedding in 1985. They had met as UCD students through the Cal Aggie Square Dance Club. At the time of their death, Robert was completing work on his Master’s Degree in civil engineering and Greta was completing her Baccalaureate Degree in Animal Science. This scholarship was created by their parents, family, and friends and is restricted to senior civil engineering majors.

Harold and Helen Smith

Established by the Harold and Helen Smith Trust in 1998 to support students in the field of Agricultural Engineering. Restricted to students with financial need.

Students First, College of Engineering Scholarship

In 1994 UC Davis initiated a $15 million fundraising campaign to help offset the impact of a series of budget cuts and increases in student fees. The "Students First" campaign has resulted in many gifts to the campus. Unrestricted gifts have been combined and are being awarded as "Students First" Scholarships. This award is restricted to students in the College of Engineering who have financial need.

Arthur and Julia Suran Scholarship

This scholarship was set up in honor of Arthur and Julia Suran by their son, Dr. Jerome J. Suran. Recipients will be selected by the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Teichert Foundation

Established in 1997, the Teichert Foundation Scholarship is restricted to junior-level students majoring in Civil Engineering.

Jeff and Dianne Child/Steve Whitaker Scholarship

This fund was established to honor Professor Steven Whitaker who "is widely regarded as one of the department's finest professors and who influenced me in countless positive ways . . ." says the donor. It is restricted to upper-division students in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science with the completion of one or more business-oriented courses.

Wu Family Foundation

The Wu Family Foundation Scholarship was established in 2003 by Jannie Wu to provide financial support to needy College of Engineering first-year undergraduates. The scholarship is restricted to California residents.