Scholarships with restricted eligibility are awarded to current undergraduate students according to the specific criteria outlined under each fund name. Awarding criteria may include ancestry, ethnicity, national origin, school or geographical affiliation, to name a few. For more information on how to apply, please visit the Undergraduate Scholarships page.
- Ancestry, Ethnicity, Gender, National Origin or Religion
- School or Geographic Affiliation
- Special Conditions
Ancestry, Ethnicity, Gender, National Origin or Religion
Emerson B. Clark Award
This award was established in 1999 through a donation by Emerson B. Clark. Preference for recipients is to be given to Native American students.
Lupe Social Justice Scholarship
This scholarship is for high-achieving students who are children of farmworkers. Recipients will be selected based on demonstrated financial need, leadership, and an expressed interest in and activity towards social justice causes. The scholarship may be renewed, as long as eligibility is maintained.
Sergio Perez & James Wilson Mull Scholarships
This scholarship was established by a gift to the campus after Sergio Perez’s passing and further funded by the estate of James Wilson Mull. Mr. Perez and Mr. Mull’s hope was that this fund would provide support for students who are seriously interested in perusing their education but may have encountered certain barriers and attitudes that would have made this goal difficult to attain. It is restricted to students who are American citizens and have demonstrated financial need.
Pope Valley
Established in 1984 as an anonymous gift, the Pope Valley Scholarship is awarded to outstanding undergraduates.
School or Geographic Affiliation
Beeghly-Merritt Memorial
Established in 1995 by a gift from Irving and Rowena Beeghly, this fund is restricted to graduates of Woodland and Davis high schools who have had significant employment during their high school tenure which demonstrated independence and self-reliance.
Julie Bryant Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Julie Bryant, a UC Davis student, whose life was cut short in November 2007 in a tragic car accident. Recipients shall be incoming freshmen from Alhambra High School in Martinez, CA; but if no student qualifies, selection may be made from other high schools in Contra Costa County, CA. Students shall also have demonstrated leadership skills and extracurricular involvement.
George S. and Marjorie E. Butler
The Butler Scholarship was established in 1969 by a provision in the Will of Marjorie Butler. It is restricted to students from the California counties of Humboldt or Del Norte who show financial need.
David & Mary Cruden
This scholarship was established in 1961 by Davina Ruth Cruden in honor of her parents. It is restricted to students of at least sophomore standing who are natives and residents of California and who have financial need.
Richard D. & Kate Faulkner
Established in 1944 by a bequest in Mr. Faulkner’s Will, this fund is restricted to students from Placer County.
This scholarship was established in 1994 by a bequest from the Estate of John Dixon Switzer. Mr. Switzer was a 1940 graduate of the Berkeley campus. He was a counselor and teacher at Hayward High School for many years until he retired in 1969. Mr. Switzer’s aunt, Gertrude, and her husband, William Greenwell, were strong influences in Mr. Switzer’s decision to go into teaching. Mr. Greenwell had been in public education for many years and became principal of Oakland’s Chinatown elementary school. They are included in the name of the scholarship he established as a remembrance of this important role they had in his life. The Greenwell-Switzer Scholarship is restricted to financially needy students entering UC Davis who have graduated from schools in the Hayward Unified School District.
Harriet M. Hauber
Harriet Hauber was a resident of Nevada City who made a provision in her Will for this scholarship. The first awards were made in 1924. Students must be residents of Nevada City and have attended Nevada Union High School to be eligible.
David Milton Herman
David Milton Herman was a farmer (alfalfa and muscat grapes) in the Wasco area from the early 1900s until his death in 1941. This scholarship was established in 1996 by his daughter, Millie Waddell, and is restricted to graduates of Wasco Union High School who will attend UCD in a curriculum associated with agriculture.
Kelly J. Kolozsi Memorial
Kelly Kolozsi was a remarkable young man, who, despite a learning disability, graduated from Menlo Atherton High School and UC Santa Barbara. He died at the age of 24 in an accident caused by a drunken driver. His parents, John and Martita Kolozsi, established this scholarship in his memory in 1989. It is restricted to graduates of Menlo Atherton High School or a high school in the Sequoia Union High School District with a preference for students with a learning disability.
Edward F. Kraft
The Kraft Family were pioneer Tehama County residents active in retail and banking activities. Edward was one of the sons of Herbert Kraft. This scholarship was established in 1920 by a provision in the Will of Edward Kraft. It is restricted to students from Tehama County studying in any area except agriculture.
Patricia Berry Kruszelnicki & Beth and Peter Kruszelnicki Memorial
Established in 1992 by a gift from the estate of Lola M.M. Berry, this scholarship is restricted to needy students from Fresno County.
Frank McArthur
The late Frank McArthur established this scholarship in 1948 to assist worthy students pursuing their post-secondary education. It is restricted to graduates of high schools in Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, or Siskiyou counties.
Estella H. Magnuson/John Bradley Ryburn
Estella H. Ryburn Magnuson, a Linden area civic leader, philanthropist, and world traveler was the first woman to serve as a director of the Linden-Peters Chamber of Commerce. She was a major supporter of the Linden Future Farmers of America. This scholarship was created in 1990 by a provision in her Will. It is restricted to any Future Farmers of America student graduating from Linden Union High School who is in need of scholarship aid.
Laura Perrott Mahan
Established in 1962 through a provision in Mrs. Mahan’s Will, this scholarship is restricted to residents of Humboldt County. Mrs. Mahan was a former resident of Eureka.
Modesto High School
This scholarship was established by Miss Rachel Woods in 1983 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Modesto High School. Miss Woods was a teacher at the school for many years. She hoped to assist bright students who might not be able to continue their education for financial reasons. The scholarship is restricted to needy Modesto High School graduates, with a preference for students studying agriculture.
Mary Pillot
Established in 1946 by the Scholarship Committee of San Jose High School, this award is restricted to meritorious graduates of San Jose High Academy who have been nominated by the principal.
Barbara Hussey Riggins
Barbara Hussey Riggins was a teacher in the Antioch, California school district and a graduate of the University of California, as were her parents and other relatives. In 1985 she established this scholarship to encourage Antioch students to attend the University. It is awarded to students in priority order from the following categories: (1) children or grandchildren of an Antioch classroom teacher; (2) graduates of Antioch High School; (3) graduates of Holy Names High School of Oakland; (4) graduates of Carondelet High School of Concord; (5) graduates of Presentation High School of Berkeley; and (6) graduates of St. Mary’s High School of Berkeley.
Ellen C. Schwartz
Established in 1933 by a provision in her Will, the Schwartz Scholarship is restricted to financially needy graduates of Calistoga High School or any other Napa or Sonoma County high school.
R.E. and Hilda M. Sparling Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the bequest of the estate of Hilda M. Sparling, a lifetime Dixon resident. She never had the opportunity to attend college and wanted to give Dixon students and others the chance to enhance their education. It is restricted to financially needy residents and graduates of Solano County high schools with a preference for graduates of Dixon High School.
Tarrant Family Scholarship
The Tarrant Family Scholarship, established in 2006 by Connie and Jeffrey Tarrant, is for students who graduated from high school or attended community college in Stockton or Lodi, California. Preference is given to those with demonstrated financial need.
Teale Memorial
Established in 1973 by former California State Senator Stephen P. Teale, M.D., this scholarship is restricted to freshmen and sophomore students from the following counties: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sierra, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne.
Opinderjeet Singh Toor
This award was established in 2004 in memory of Opinderjeet Singh Toor. It is restricted to needy high school graduates from Butte or Sutter Counties and needy transfer students from Butte or Yuba Community Colleges. Preference is given to basketball players on the Butte or Yuba Community College teams.
Herbert Tryon
Herbert Tryon passed away in 1955 and through a provision in his Will established an endowment to provide scholarships for needy students from Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties with a preference for graduates of Del Norte County high schools.
Miguel Velez Scholarship Fund
The Miguel Velez Scholarship was established through a testamentary trust with The Regents of the University of California in the 1960s. Income from the endowed fund is shared by the undergraduate campuses of the University to support student scholarships. Awards are made on the basis of character, ability, and financial need, or those who are direct legal descendants of Mr. Velez.
Susie Voorhies Memorial
Susie Voorhies was born on a farm and lived there until she came to California as a young adult. She was a resident of Davis and held a special fondness for its small community. Her son, the late Professor E.C. Voorhies, established this endowment in his mother’s memory in 1954.
Frank and Carolan Walker
First awarded in 1967, Carolan Walker established this scholarship through a provision in her Will. It is restricted to residents of Humboldt County.
Violet E. Wilson
This scholarship was established in 1969 by a bequest in her Will and is restricted to graduates of Benicia High School.
Elizabeth Power Wood Scholarship-Loan
Established in 1933 pursuant to the terms of her Will, this scholarship is restricted to students from Placer County. Recipients are encouraged to contribute back to the fund should their conditions permit without serious inconvenience.
Jarena D. Wright
This scholarship was established in 1979 by a provision in the Will of Rosalie C. Rohr. Mrs. Rohr had been active in the Sonoma County agricultural community. The scholarship is restricted to students from Santa Rosa, or who attended a Santa Rosa city school, with a preference for individuals who have participated in FFA, 4-H, or similar programs.
Special Conditions
Joseph Bonnheim Memorial
Established in 1897 by Albert Bonnheim and Fanny Weinstock Bonnheim in memory of their son, this scholarship is restricted to students with financial need who are between the ages of 16 and 19 at the time they are first awarded.
Reno and Margaret Cruz Scholarship
Established by Reno and Margaret Cruz to provide support for sophomores, juniors, and senior students with financial need, academic merit, and leadership skills. Preference will be given to first-generation students.
Robert C. Dean
Mr. Dean established this scholarship to support students who are orphans or came from a single-parent family, as he was an orphan. He spent his working career as an engineer and wished to help students in their educational endeavors in engineering or the sciences.
Edward Dussich Memorial
Edward Dussich was a 20-year-old student at Davis in 1987 when he was hit and killed by a hit-and-run driver. His family established this scholarship in his memory. It is restricted to needy students engaged in pre-med studies with the intention of pursuing a career in medicine as a physician and who are 20 years old or younger during their senior year.
John S. Edwards
John Edwards was a 1906 graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. When he died in 1951, his Will created an endowment that funds this scholarship for students who are interested in a career in public affairs.
Anne Noel Fazio
Anne Noel Fazio was a 1995 UC Davis graduate. She majored in history, was active in campus activities, and displayed a zest for life which was not hindered by her own medical problems. This award in her memory was established in 1997 by her family and friends to recognize and encourage students who have experienced serious medical difficulties related to leukemia or cancer during their adolescence and who have demonstrated their commitment to pursue their education in the face of those associated challenges.
Santiago and Gregoria Gonzalez Award
The Gonzalez Award was established in 2008 by Arturo Gonzalez in honor of his parents, Santiago and Gregoria Gonzalez. This award supports financially needy undergraduates who are children of farmworkers or railroad laborers and have an interest in attending law school or working in the legal profession.
Sig Eps, Reubens & Friends of UC Davis - Randy Randall Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2009, the Sig Eps, Reubens & Friends of UC Davis - Randy Randall Memorial Scholarship is open to all undergraduate students and every other year preference is given to a current SigEp or the son or daughter of a former SigEp. Through this scholarship, the memory of Randy Randall, and the values he lived by, we hope to inspire future generations of Aggies.
Fang J. Lee
The Fang J. Lee Scholarship was established in 1988 by Mr. Lee’s widow, Ellen C. Lee, his son, Raymond C. Lee, and friends of the Lee family. It is restricted to a needy, single parent, with a preference for students who have a child or children, none of whom shall be older than six years of age.
Phi Sigma Kappa
This scholarship was established in 1977 by the alumni members of the Omicron Triton Chapter of the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Preference in awarding the scholarship is given to direct descendants of alumni members of Phi Sigma Kappa and the Zeta Xi Fraternity and the Capon Club which preceded it.
Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity Student Support Fund
This award was established in 2014 to support a current UC Davis undergraduate, graduate, or professional student with demonstrated financial need, who self-identifies as a member in good standing with the Nu Alpha Kappa fraternity (“NAK”).
The recipient should also demonstrate qualities that encompass the values of NAK, which include academic excellence, cultural knowledge, and community service. Preference will be given to students who have held leadership positions with NAK, or other organizations.
Howard B. Shontz
Howard B. Shontz was a 1941 graduate of UC Davis. After a few years in the United States Army, he and his wife moved to Davis where Mr. Shontz began his lengthy career in student services at the University. He held positions at Davis, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, and the Systemwide office in Oakland. This award is restricted to third-year students who were California Aggie Alumni Association (CAAA) Leadership Scholarship recipients as freshmen.
Malcolm R. Stacey Memorial
Established in 1977 by a provision in the Will of Harriette Stormes in memory of her son, the Malcolm Stacey Scholarship is restricted to needy, students with a preference for students majoring in aeronautical engineering.
Opinderjeet Singh Toor
This award was established in 2004 in memory of Opinderjeet Singh Toor. It is restricted to needy high school graduates from Butte or Sutter Counties and needy transfer students from Butte or Yuba Community Colleges. Preference is given to basketball players on the Butte or Yuba Community College teams.
University Farm Circle Marion Freeborn
University Farm Circle (UFC) was formed in 1914 as an informal social group and over many years has expanded its activities to assist students, welcome newcomers to the University campus and community, and provide programs and activities for its members. UFC began awarding scholarship prizes in 1938. In 1959, these awards were named the Marion Freeborn Scholarships in memory of the wife of the first UC Davis provost. The scholarships are awarded to junior-level students who demonstrate high scholastic achievement, leadership, and service. In 1980, UFC added additional scholarships for candidates who were also re-entry students, at least 25 years of age, and who had an absence of five or more years from academic life.
UC Davis Education Abroad Scholarship
This scholarship is for undergraduates from any major who are planning to study abroad; a preference for those with demonstrated financial need.
UC Davis Washington Center
The scholarship is awarded to undergraduates who attend the UC Washington Center.
Franklin and Rose Ellen Weber
The Webers established this scholarship in 1999. It is restricted to students who are single parents or the child of a single parent.
Liliane D. Wells
Liliane D. Wells established several scholarships for UC Davis students in the late 1970s. The scholarships are restricted to needy students, some for students studying botany and others with no restriction as to the field of study. Mrs. Wells’s husband, Dr. C.E. Wells had been an early graduate of the University and its medical school.
Margaret Wildenradt Undergraduate Scholarship
The scholarship, which began in 2003, was established by the estate of Margaret Wildenradt. This award is in recognition of academic achievement and potential for future achievement. It is restricted to undergraduate students.
Max and Paulyn Yampol were early 20th century immigrants to the United States from eastern Europe. They were very interested in education and encouraged their daughter and grandchildren to live life fully. This scholarship in their memory was started in 1975 by one of the grandchildren, Howard Egerman (a 1968 graduate of UC Davis), and the scholarship was endowed in 1990 as a result of gifts from Egerman family members and friends. It is restricted to students who participate in extracurricular activities which demonstrate a goal of helping to improve society.