Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

Types of Aid

Olson hall interior

Loans for Graduate Students

Information on federal and state, and private loan programs, current interest rates, and additional information for graduate student loans.

student researchers

Work-Study for Graduate Students

Financial Aid and Scholarships, in collaboration with Graduate Studies and individual academic departments, administers Work-Study funds to graduate students based on need.

Financial Aid and Scholarships offers loans and Work-Study to graduate students. Need is determined through filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). We strongly recommend that you research all possible funding options in order to minimize loans and maximize any available grants or scholarships by contacting your respective department. Financial aid is not available to Graduate Studies students for registered courses in the summer term.

Admitted and continuing students may log in to MyAwards to review the types of aid that may be included in their financial aid package. We anticipate MyAwards will be released in June for the upcoming academic year.

Grants and Scholarships

Merit-based funds, such as fellowships, stipends, block grants, and scholarships are offered by the Office of Graduate Studiesacademic graduate groups, or departments. Some of these fellowships, federal training grants, or scholarships are need-based; therefore, Graduate Studies requests that all graduate students file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for full consideration of all sources of support.

UCD Campus Fee Grant (CFGGD)

The UC Davis University Campus Fee Grant is a need-based gift aid. Students must have a FAFSA or CADAA on file in order to be eligible. Funding is not guaranteed and is based on available need. Financial Aid and Scholarships requires students to report all external and academic funding through MyAwards by submitting a Change in Aid form which can be found under the Awards tab. This includes reporting anticipated funds for the academic year. Please note the receipt or reporting of these resources may affect eligibility for the University Campus Fee Grant in which the grant may be reduced or canceled.

If you have questions about the University Campus Fee Grant, please contact your Graduate and Professional School's Financial Aid Team.

Tuition Assistance Programs

  • Native American Opportunity Plan
    • You are a California student enrolled in a federally recognized Native American, American Indian, and/or Alaska Native tribe.

Defined Assistance Programs