Two students using laptops at the Silo

Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require UC Davis Financial Aid and Scholarships to establish Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

These standards measure qualitative and quantitative requirements and the maximum timeframe for a student’s progress toward degree completion. For Undergraduate, Graduate, and Veterinary Medicine students to be eligible for financial aid, students must meet these standards. SAP (GPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Timeframe) is evaluated annually in July. Failure to maintain these standards will result in the suspension of your financial aid eligibility. However, you have the option to appeal to regain eligibility.

Financial Aid SAP standards are separate and distinct from general academic policies.

For academic policies please refer to the General Catalog. If you need assistance or have questions relating to general academic requirements, please contact an advisor in your program or department.

Students attending the Schools of Law or Health are covered by criteria established by their respective schools.

SAP Standards

SAP standards apply to all coursework attempted, including coursework for which the student did not receive financial aid. These standards are applied equally to all students attending the institution whether or not the student is receiving financial aid and regardless of the student’s level of enrollment or academic program (for example full-time enrollment, part-time enrollment, undergraduate, graduate, and all educational programs offered at the institution).

GPA: Qualitative 

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) as indicated below:

  • Undergraduate: 2.0
  • Graduate: 3.0
  • Veterinary Medicine: 2.0

Pace of Progression: Quantitative

Students must complete a minimum of 67% of cumulative attempted coursework/units for their program.

Maximum Timeframe Program Standards

Regardless of whether or not a student has met their maximum timeframe, students are not eligible for additional financial aid funds beyond completion of their degree requirements.

Maximum timeframe information
Degree ProgramMaximum Timeframe Attempted (150%) * 
Undergraduate270 units
Second Baccalaureate**270 units (including undergraduate terms)
Masters216 units
Doctorate500 units
Doctorate of Educational Leadership-CANDEL162 units
Teaching Credential99 units
Graduate School of Management108 units
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine356 units
Masters of Preventative Veterinary Medicine75 units
Masters of Forensic Science81 units
Masters of Maternal and Child Nutrition54 units
Masters of Professional Accountancy72 units

* Degree programs and lengths vary. See the General Catalog or contact your Department for the exact length of your program.

** For students considering a Second Baccalaureate, refer to admissions for application and eligibility requirements.

How are Units Treated for SAP?

It depends. Generally, to successfully complete a unit you must receive a grade of A, B, C, D, or P (S for graduate students) in a course.  Grades of F, I, NP (U for graduate students), and NG do not count. If not completed, the units may still be counted as attempted for SAP purposes. Also, once an Incomplete grade is converted to an actual grade, that change will be captured during the next annual SAP review.

  • Cancellations/Dismissals/Withdrawals/PELP: 

    • Generally, these units do not count as units attempted. However, they could affect degree progress towards the Maximum Timeframe.
  • Remedial Coursework:

    •  Do not count as completed or attempted.
  • AP/Repeat/Transfer Coursework: 

    •  If the Office of the University Registrar counts these as attempted and completed units, this will count equally for SAP.
  • Summer Session(s):  

    • Summer Session coursework is treated the same as coursework completed during the academic year.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Instructions

If students meet SAP standards by the annual evaluation they may regain financial aid eligibility for the following academic year. In general, the annual SAP evaluation occurs in July. After the SAP evaluation occurs, all students will receive an email notification informing them of their current SAP status (e.g., meeting SAP standards or not meeting SAP standards and cancellation of future financial aid, if applicable). Students who lose financial aid eligibility may submit an appeal.

When filing an appeal, provide a full explanation along with detailed documentation (i.e. minimum progress waiver, medical diagnosis) verifying the circumstances that led to the inability to meet SAP. Some examples of circumstances that would be considered in the appeal process are the death of a close relative or personal injury or illness of the student. It is also important to examine ways to eliminate deficiencies and provide a realistic plan toward reaching graduation.

Please note: UC Davis is committed to creating and maintaining the safety of all our students. In some circumstances, appeals may contain information related to sexual violence, sexual harassment, or any other form of sexual misconduct against the student. Any incident of sexual harassment of any kind must be reported to the UC Davis Title IX Officer. Any supporting documentation provided on your appeal may be submitted to their office.


Financial Aid SAP Graduation/Academic Plan (Required for Maximum Timeframe Appeal only)

Other Important SAP Appeal Information


Priority deadline: SAP appeals submitted by this date will be reviewed before the fee deadline for each term.
Final deadline: SAP appeals submitted after this date may be reviewed but students may only be eligible for loan consideration.

  • Fall 2024: 
    • Priority deadline: Friday, September 6, 2024
    • Final deadline: Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Winter 2025: 
    • Priority deadline: Thursday, December 6, 2024
    • Final deadline: Thursday, February 7, 2025
  • Spring 2025:
    • Priority deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025
    • Final deadline: Friday, April 25, 2025
  • Summer 2025: 
    • Priority deadline: Friday, June 6, 2025
    • Final deadline: Friday, August 22, 2025

Appeals are not considered retroactively for previous terms.

Processing Time

  • Fall 2024: 3-4 weeks
  • Winter 2025: 2-3 weeks
  • Spring 2025: 2-3 weeks
  • Summer 2025:  2-3 weeks


Students with an approved appeal are placed on a probation contract. If the probation contract was met for the term, the student will return to good SAP status for the remainder of the academic year. If the probation contract was not met during the term, financial aid will be canceled for the subsequent term(s).

Denied Appeals

If a SAP appeal is denied, a Secondary Appeal may be considered. To complete a Secondary Appeal, please submit documentation of your new and/or additional extenuating circumstances that explains why you were not able to maintain SAP during the probation period. The decision on a Secondary Appeal is final.

Please note:

Grades cannot be reviewed until after the next fee payment deadline, so please ensure your account balance is paid. Payment arrangements, such as signing up for the Deferred Payment Plan, may be available through Student Accounting.

Other Resources

Undergraduate advising resources:

Graduate students should seek academic advising/counseling with an appropriate departmental representative.