Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland

First Year

As a first year student, you have so many options available to you that it can be tough to know where to begin. If you are interested in prestigious scholarships, there are plenty of things you can start doing now to prepare for your future applications. Prestigious scholarships are incredibly competitive, but if you start preparing early it will put you in a good position to win! Start by:

  • Taking courses that will develop your academic and/or personal interests.
  • Getting to know your advisors and faculty – this can provide mentoring and build a relationship that will allow faculty and advisors to support your applications with a letter of recommendation.
  • Exploring options for studying abroad, identifying countries of interest, engaging with cultural activities of these countries, and beginning/continuing studying the language of these countries.
  • Joining campus clubs or volunteering with service organizations – focus on meaningful leadership opportunities that relate to your interests.
  • Visiting the Career Center for guidance on resumes. Build a detailed resume of your activities, awards, research, etc.
  • Searching for private scholarships that fund study abroad.
  • Scheduling an appointment with the prestigious scholarships advisor to discuss career goals, identify suitable scholarships, and develop a plan to strengthen your application.

Prestigious scholarships you can apply for: