Important Updates

  • Our Front Desk will be closed for winter break from December 16, 2024, to January 1, 2025. Email and phone will be available December 16-20, 2024.
  • The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) are now open. Visit our Apply web page for details and links.
  • The 2025-26 Continuing Undergraduate Scholarships application is open through January 8, 2025. Get started on your application today!

Foundation Deadline: Donald A. Strauss Scholarship

Donald A. Strauss Foundation

Event Date

Foundation deadline to apply for the Donald A. Strauss Scholarship which funds $15,000 to implement year-length, sustainable public service projects anywhere in the world. Applicants can be from any citizenship but must be in their sophomore or junior year.

Event Category