Student at bike rack in fall

Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

California's Middle Class Scholarship (MCS)

2024-25 MCS Update:. 
If you have been identified by the California State Commission (CSAC) as eligible for the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS), we are in the process of confirming the total amount of your scholarship. You can log in to MyAwards to see your initial estimated amount.

California's Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is gift aid that pays up to 40 percent of tuition for California resident undergraduate students and for those seeking a teaching credential who meet maximum income and asset ceilings. Students must be FAFSA or CADAA applicants ​who do not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, B, C D, E, etc.) and must be attending a UC or CSU campus to be considered for this award. Income and asset ceilings are updated annually and posted by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Offered amounts will be based on the institution's cost of attendance and the following:

  1. Any other gift aid for which the student is eligible (i.e., federal, state, institutional, or scholarship aid)
  2. A self-help student contribution of $7,898 (applied to all students) through a combination of loans, work, and/or scholarships
  3. A parent contribution for dependent students with a household income of over $100,000

These three factors collectively are referred to as a student’s “available resources.” These amounts are deducted from the student’s total cost of attendance to determine the MCS offer. Under this formula, offered amounts will vary widely among students, with each offer reflecting their costs and available resources. Your final amount will be determined after we have verified your eligibility.

Disbursement Information

The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is unit-sensitive aid and will be disbursed at the end of each quarter based on UC Davis enrolled units.

MCS enrollment status and disbursement:
Enrollment StatusUnits% Disburse
Less than Half-timeLess than 60%
Half-time6 - 8.550%
Three-quarter time9 - 11.575%
Full-time12 or more100%

For more information please visit Disbursement and Direct Deposit and Changes That May Affect Your Aid.


Once the MCS offer is processed, students will receive an email to review MyAwardsPlease note: This program is contingent upon state funding. Qualifying maximum annual household assets and income are subject to change.