Students walking to and from the Shields Library entrance.

Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

What to Know About Your Loans

Types of Loans Available

There are several different types of student loans. Visit Loans to see the different types of loans that are available, important loan dates, and highlights for each type of loan.

Types of Loans You Are Borrowing

MyAwards will show the types of loans you are being offered. We encourage you to think carefully about your future loan indebtedness before accepting loans. You are not obligated to accept any loan offered to you, and you can accept less or decline the aid offered in MyAwards.

Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized

The interest on Direct Subsidized loans is paid by the U.S. Department of Education while you're in school at least half-time in a degree-seeking program. The student is responsible for the interest on Unsubsidized loans. More information about subsidized and unsubsidized loans is available on the Federal Student Aid website.

Terms of Your Grace Period

The grace period is the amount of time you have after you graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time before you are required to begin repaying your loan. The grace period depends on the terms of the loan you are borrowing. If you want to find out more about your loan(s)' grace period, contact your loan servicer.

Loan Fees

You will be charged a loan fee when you borrow Federal Direct Loans. The loan fee is deducted proportionately from each scheduled disbursement of your loan. The Federal Student Aid website provides the most up-to-date information about interest rates and fees.

Keeping Track of Your Loans

Federal Student Aid

Federal Student Aid is a repository with details on all your federal student loans and federal grant information. Federal Student Aid shows all your current loan holders from all institutions you may have attended. Federal Student Aid does not track private loans or institutional loans awarded by UC Davis.

MyAwards: Loans at UC Davis

Financial Aid developed MyAwards: Loans to help you monitor and review your student loans at UC Davis. MyAwards: Loans can help you track the federal and institutional loans you accepted at the UC Davis campus. You will be able to see current interest rates, the cost of borrowing, and your estimated monthly payment based on the amount you currently owe.  

Canceling Your Loans

At any time a borrower can decline all or part of the loan money by submitting a Change-in-Aid request in MyAwards.