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CARES Act Relief Funding Notification

Relief Funding  •  Support Updates

Financial Aid and Scholarships sent undergraduate students awarded CARES Act funding the following message:

The CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant Fund provides emergency financial aid assistance to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic as stipulated by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was signed into law March 27, 2020. Awards will be distributed to eligible UC Davis undergraduate students based on need as determined by the 2019-20 FAFSA with an emphasis on providing additional support to the neediest populations. Funding for Title IV eligible graduate/professional students will be distributed equally amongst the population.

As a result of the CARES Act, Financial Aid and Scholarships has begun distributing funds to eligible students. If you are eligible and do not receive funds by May 15, 2020, please contact us.

Eligibility for CARES Act funding for graduate and professional students is based on meeting Title IV requirements and spring term enrollment. Graduate and professional students are encouraged to file a FAFSA, or complete a certification form with the campus confirming eligibility for Title IV funding by May 30, 2020, to receive assistance. 

Eligibility for CARES Act funding for undergraduate students is based on need as determined by the filed 2019-20 FAFSA application. Eligible students must also be enrolled in the spring 2020 term. For students who did not file a FAFSA this year, you have until May 30, 2020, to complete the 2019-20 FAFSA to be considered for an emergency grant.

To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in the Student Information System

For more information on the CARES Act and UC Davis emergency relief funding, please go to CARES Act FAQs.

For questions, please send us a message through Contact An Expert or visit our Contact Us page.

Financial Aid and Scholarships sent graduate/professional students awarded CARES Act funding the following message:

The CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant Fund provides emergency financial aid assistance to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic as stipulated by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was signed into law March 27, 2020. Awards will be distributed to eligible UC Davis undergraduate students based on need as determined by the 2019-20 FAFSA with an emphasis on providing additional support to the neediest populations. Funding for Title IV eligible graduate/professional students will be distributed equally amongst the population.

As a result of the CARES Act, Financial Aid and Scholarships has begun distributing funds to eligible students. If you are eligible and do not receive funds by May 15, 2020, please contact us.

Eligibility for CARES Act funding for graduate and professional students is based on meeting Title IV requirements and spring term enrollment. Graduate and professional students are encouraged to file a FAFSA or complete a certification form with the campus confirming eligibility for Title IV funding by May 30, 2020, to receive assistance. 

Eligibility for CARES Act funding for undergraduate students is based on need as determined by the filed 2019-20 FAFSA application. Eligible students must also be enrolled in the spring 2020 term. For students who did not file a FAFSA this year, you have until May 30, 2020, to complete the 2019-20 FAFSA to be considered for an emergency grant.

To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in the Student Information System

For more information on the CARES Act and UC Davis emergency relief funding, please go to CARES Act FAQs.

For questions, please send us a message through Contact An Expert or visit our Contact Us page.