Student working in garden

Important Updates

  • The priority deadline for the 2025-26 FAFSA and CADAA for California residents has been extended to April 2, 2025. Apply today!

Summer FAQs

This information is subject to change. Please check back often for updates. For more information, visit Summer Financial Aid.

General Questions

  • When can I sign up for summer financial aid?
  • The summer application process begins on March 1. For financial aid purposes, no application is required unless you are attending another UC or are a newly admitted student for the 2024-25 academic year. Please review the requirements for aid eligibility on the summer home page.
  • Which FAFSA/California Dream Act Application is used to award summer financial aid?
  • For undergraduate students, the summer term is the final term in each academic year. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)/California Dream Act Application (CADAA) used to determine aid eligibility for summer will be the application used for the corresponding academic year. Examples:

    - Summer 2023: 2022-23 FAFSA/CADAA
    - Summer 2024: 2023-24 FAFSA/CADAA

    Students can submit the corresponding FAFSA/CADAA for the summer term up to June 30 of each academic year. 
  • What is part-time and full-time status during the summer?
  • During the summer, six (6) units are considered part-time and 12 units are considered full-time. Keep in mind that certain aid disbursement will be dependent on the number of enrolled units. Please see Financial Aid and Scholarships - Summer Billing and Disbursement for details.
  • How much is one unit during the summer?
  • Please see Summer Sessions.
  • Do I have to pay the Summer Campus Fee each summer session?
  • Students are required to pay the campus fee for each session they are attending. Please see Summer Sessions.
  • Will I receive the same amount of financial aid during the summer compared to the regular quarter?
  • No. Summer financial aid is packaged differently than the academic year. Students need to be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) units to be eligible for most summer financial aid.
  • Is financial aid different each session?
  • The amount of financial aid a student receives is based on the total number of units and sessions in which the student is enrolled. Please see Types of Summer Aid to get a better idea.
  • Do I need to notify the Financial Aid office if I change units?
  • Yes. If you have been offered financial aid and you have changed the number of enrolled units, you will then notify the financial aid office with a Summer Change in Aid form (available in May).
  • I am a new admit for the 2024-25 school year; can I attend summer in advance of the fall term?
  • Yes, there are certain requirements for new admits that should be followed. Please visit Newly Admitted Freshman and Transfer Students.
  • If I have graduated but still want to take some classes during the summer, will I still be eligible for financial aid?
  • No. You are not eligible for financial aid as a graduated student.
  • Will I be eligible for financial aid if I have filed to graduate?
  • No, you must be an active student or have filed to walk no earlier than spring in order to be eligible for financial aid.
  • My spring quarter Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal was approved. I have met the conditions of my appeal but have a hold remaining for the summer term. Will I be eligible for summer financial aid?
  • Yes, as soon as the spring grades are reviewed and our office determines you have met the required conditions, you will be awarded summer financial aid.
  • I am a Graduate/Professional student, will I be eligible for summer financial aid?
  • No. Graduate/Professional students are not eligible for summer financial aid. Please refer to your program advisors for more information.
  • If I did not attend spring 2024, will I be eligible for summer financial aid?
  • Students who did not attend spring are eligible for summer aid if they are in a degree-seeking program and are not being charged Non-UC student course fees. Details can be found at Summer Session Fees and Aid

    Newly Admitted Freshman and Transfer Students for the 2024-25 academic year are also eligible for summer aid.
  • If I was on an approved Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP) for spring 2024, will I be eligible for summer aid?
  • Yes.

 Advantage Grant and Academic Participation

  • When will I get my Summer Advantage Grant?
  • If you have participated in a minimum of 10 units, the Summer Advantage Grant will be disbursed after the census date. See Billing and Disbursement for more information.
  • Do I need to participate through the Academic Participation link for the summer?
  • Yes, you need to confirm academic participation for each session and course you are attending. Please use the link through your MyUCDavis
  •  If I do not participate in 10 units, will my Summer Advantage Grant be canceled?
  • Yes.
  • If I did not participate by the deadline, can I appeal to receive my summer aid?
  • Yes, please submit a Supplemental Evidence of Academic Activity (SEVACT) appeal with documentation as stated on the appeal form.
  • If I enroll in 12 or more units for the summer, will I receive two Summer Advantage Grants?
  • No. Students are only eligible for one disbursement of the Summer Advantage Grant up to $1,100. For additional information see Billing and Disbursement.

 Disbursement and Refunds

  • When is financial aid disbursed for summer?
  • Financial aid will be disbursed according to the units and sessions in which you are enrolled. Please see Billing and Disbursement.
  • When will I receive my summer refund?
  • You can find summer refund dates at Billing and Disbursement.

 Summer Abroad

  • Which courses are considered for Summer Abroad?
  • Please visit Study Abroad for more information.
  • Is the cost higher for summer abroad compared to quarter abroad?
  • Summer financial aid is limited which can impact any out-of-pocket costs you may accrue compared to a quarter's worth of financial aid.

  • I’m taking a summer abroad course; when will my financial aid disburse?

  • Since summer abroad is considered a special session course, aid will disburse during summer session one on June 14.
  • Why have I not been packaged for my summer abroad course?
  • Please check to ensure you have registered for 6 or 8 units required for that course.

 Aggies Attending Another UC

  • I am going home for the summer; can I attend a different UC during the summer?
  • Yes, please follow the instructions at UC Davis Students Attending Summer at Another UC.
  • am attending a different UC for the summer. Do I need to participate for the courses for which I am registered?
  • Yes. You will receive an email to your UC Davis email address with instructions on how to participate in your registered courses.
  • If I decide to change the UC I am attending for the summer do I need to notify the financial aid office?
  • Yes. Because budgets are different for each UC, you need to notify the financial aid office if you change the UC you are attending for the summer by submitting a Summer Change in Aid form (available in May).
  • If I decide not to attend another UC for the summer, do I need to notify the financial aid office?
  • Yes. You will need to submit a Summer Change in Aid form (available in May) stating you are no longer attending another UC for the summer.

Summer Cancellation of Withdrawal 

  • I have decided not to attend summer; how do I cancel my classes and how will my financial aid be impacted?
  • Please visit Canceling or Withdrawing During Summer. It is important to understand the potential impact canceling or withdrawing may have on your financial aid.